Greenwood Fine Arts Academy

Greenwood Fine Arts Academy (GFAA) is a nonprofit organization that provides high-quality performing arts opportunities for kids and youth in the Arkansas River Valley through after school theatre programs and summer theatre camps.

Our Fall 2024 Show


The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe is GFAA's production for Fall of 2024.

How the Performing Arts Benefit Kids

Involvement in theatre, dance, musical theatre, and the performing arts is proven to benefits kids in a variety of ways. How will GFAA benefit your child?

Boost confidence and self-esteem.

Performing in front of an audience helps kids build confidence and overcome shyness. Rehearsing and performing theatre allows kids to experience a sense of accomplishment, which boosts their self-esteem, too!

Improve communication skills.

Participating in theatre productions help kids with their verbal and non-verbal communication skills. They learn to express themselves more clearly and effectively, whether through speaking, acting, dancing, or singing.

Encourage creativity and imagination.

Provide your child with a creative outlet to explore their imagination! Give them more opportunities to think creatively and solve problems in innovative ways, which can be beneficial in all areas of their lives.

Promote teamwork and collaboration.

The performing arts often involve working with others in groups or ensembles. Children learn the importance of teamwork, cooperation, and supporting their peers. They develop social skills and learn to work harmoniously with others toward a common goal — a performance or theatre production!

Enhanced focus and responsibility.

Being a part of a theatre production requires practice, discipline, and focus. These qualities can translate into better academic performance, as kids learn to manage their time, set goals, and develop a strong work ethic. Studies have shown that students involved in the arts tend to perform better in school overall!

Dancers in black and gold costumes dance in GFAA's production of Aladdin Kids.
An actors is dressed like a parrot in colorful feathers flying across the stage.